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A man (Miguel Hidalgo) and a toddler (Alexandra Hidalgo) walk down a beach on a sunny day. We see them from the back. The man is in blue shorts and a white shirt. The toddler is in jeans and wears a red, green, and blue hoodie. In the distance there is a gray house with white windows. The colors are muted like a faded 1980s photo. The man’s head is hidden by a yellowed paper with stains that covers the whole top third of the poster. As the paper meets the photograph, there is a fading sunset sky of yellow, orange, and red. Over the paper-like part of the poster it says. We see the film’s tagline “SOMETIMES YOU FIND YOUR TRUTH IN SOMEONE ELSE’S LIES.” Under it in much larger letters we read the film’s title “A FAMILY OF STORIES.” In smaller lettering it says “A film by Alexandra Hidalgo.” In very small letters it reads: “A FAMILY OF STORIES” SABANA GRANDE PRODUCTIONS and LA PANDILLA PRODUCCIONES Sound Design MARCO SALAVERRÍA Original Score NASCUY LINARES Director of Photography NATHANIEL BOWLER Editor and Associate Producer CRISTINA CARRASCO HERNÁNDEZ (EDA) Produced by ALEXANDRA HIDALGO NATALIA MACHADO FUENMAYOR Written and Directed by ALEXANDRA HIDALGO

Hover and click on each image below to learn more about our film and its characters.

When Dad vanished, he left behind very few possessions for me to make sense of him. I have held onto them over countless moves through three continents.